Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Stormy Lake

During my Wednesday pickleball session, I got hit in the eye by a ball bouncing off my paddle. Naturally, my eye was bloodshot and sore, and thought I should go in for an eye exam first thing this morning. I'd planned to go play pickleball again after the exam, and then go take a blip photo in town. I'd forgotten about the pupil dilation effect, which foiled my plans.

Late this afternoon I noticed that it was getting very windy, and even though the light wasn't good, decided to go down to the lake. The sun broke though the clouds as I left the house, but the lake was already partly in shadow when I got there. It was so windy that I had to brace myself against the gusts. The whitecaps were quite impressive, considering that the lake is only about a mile across.

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