
By samschneider523

Pennsylvania Grand Canyon

Over the summer my family and i went on a little vacation. We stayed at a cabin in the woods. It was a three hour drive there and we stayed for a week. While we wear there we took a trip to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. Ive seen it before when i was younger and it hasnt changed but it is stilla beautful site. While we were there we went into a little gift shop and my siste rand I both got a hoodie that said Penssylvania Gran Canyon, all together it cost about fifty dollars but it would be a great memory from this vacation. My sister wnated to go down turkey path but I told hershed probably fall over, I did it once before and it wasnt very fun. My mom also did it when she was younger and she almost fell off a cliff. So we walked around and when you look out you can see a river and at the very bottom of the canyon is a cabin. My grandparents use to camp out by that cabin when they were younger. My sister looked through one of those things you have to pay fifty cents and you can see farther out into the distance and she saw a couple bald eagles. It was exciting for her since it wa sher first time there and she lovesd animals. My sister was amazed how there could be so many trees and there could be a hole in the earth like that. It was a fun trip spending time with the family and seeing such amazing views. I hope another great oppurtunity like this happens again soon. It was great to get out of the valley and be in such a peaceful place .

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