In this bag is....

I was already in love with my daughter's preschool teachers and then they sent this bag and message home on day 2 of school!

A cotton ball to remind you that this room is full of kind words and warm feelings
The chocolate kiss is to comfort you when you are feeling sad.
The sticker is to remind you that we will all stick together and help each other.
The rubber band is to remind you to hug someone.
The penny is to remind you that you are valuable and special.
The star is to remind you to shine and always try your best.
The tissue is to remind you to help dry someone's tears.
The toothpick is to remind you to "pick out" the good qualities in your classmates and in yourself.
The bandage is to remind you to heal hurt feelings in your friends and in yourself.
The gold thread is to remind you that friendship ties out hearts together.
The eraser is to remind you that everyone makes mistakes and that it is okay.
The Life Saver is to remind you that you can come to me if you need someone to talk to.
Love from your teachers.

Thank you Ms P and Ms A - this is beautiful!! We will read this as often as we can and implement it as much as possible!

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