Being THAT One Daily

By claudinequinn

A bird? A plane? No, it's shiz on a window pane.

This morning I woke up with the sun beaming through the chink in the curtain and for the first time in ages wanted to leap out of bed and work some WHAM! dance moves.

Cruising to the bathroom I spotted the most amazing thing: the dawn's light from the window in the spare room was shooting through the hallway hitting the brass door knob on a cupboard, which, in turn, was reflecting croissants of light in perfect croissant shaped rings to left of the door. It was like Saturn only better.

Pure unadulterated natural-phenomenon magic!

Legged it to the kitchen to nab the camera. Got back to the hall in under 2 sec. to find that the moment had passed. My croissants had hyper-morphed into toe-nail clippings, then in a split second there was nowt left to see.

Cue "illuminated scuzz on kitchen window" poor man's dawn-light-magic substitute.
Like a hollow Malteaser... the disappointment was intense.

Sorry. Must try harder.

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