September Selfie no. 4

Here we go again!

Came home from work and found out that the builders who had taken the plaster off our dining room and spare bedroom walls had put on a layer of rough plaster.

I found a cushion to sit on as the floor is disgusting and I don't have time to clean it before tomorrow. I tried smiling but just rather mad so I decided to say a word that made me smile which looked slightly less manic!

After taking the blip Geoff and I did a quick run to Brockley in London to drop off eldest son, Tim's, possessions that his Dad dropped round on Tuesday night. He moved into his flat share on Sunday but only had his back pack full of a clothes. Tonight he has his proper bedding, towels, tv, cooking utensils, stereo and cookery books plus more clothes. Looks like he doesn't have his laptop or the working x box, there was one that we took down but it looks like it is the broken one. He is keeping my ipad mini until his laptop appears......

Home about ten so time for a cup of tea then bed.

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