Proper debate
After work this evening I headed to the City Chambers for a referendum debate set up by the EIS for it's members. Labour MSP Kezia Dugsdale was representing the No side and Green Party Councillor Gavin Corbett was representing the yes side.
Both spoke very well and more importantly it was done in a spirit of good nature and mutual respect. I have to say Kezia Dugsdale is the first debater for the no campaign I have seen who has focussed on the benefits as she sees them rather than all the potential negatives for an independent Scotland. I can't help but think if they had more like her on the campaign they may get their message across better.
It was a significant day in the campaign today though. The Sun (which I don't buy) had a four page spread by one of their Scottish columnists explaining why he has switched from No to Yes. Given that they have history when it comes to jumping onto the side of campaigns they perceive to be winning so they can subsequently claim to have swung the debate and help push the result over the line I think this may prove to be highly significant for the campaing on both sides. If they ramp it up over the next two weeks it will be interesting to see the outcome. They also ran a piece reporting that 89% of bets placed on the referendum in Scotland were for yes.
An interesting couple of weeks ahead whichever way it goes.
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