South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Pink lanterns

With a white berry inside each one! These small trees that have these lanterns after the blooms fascinate me - I blipped them last year and someone told me the name after a lot of research. I didn't make a note on blip though, so have lost the information :-( The trees have small white flowers with long stamens that smell of honeysuckle and almonds - absolutely heavenly! When they were blooming I used to make detours just to smell the scent!

Stuart had a short walk with me - we needed to fetch some envelopes from church and took a longer route to get a bit of fresh air. We had both been working hard on admin and not really getting outside. Felt a lot better afterwards. It was very grey, but humid too - strange weather. Certainly not glorious like predicted, but okayish!

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