Busy busy busy

Today has been busy, there is no denying it.
We were awake just after six, total meltdown as daddy had gone to work, which wasn't the best start to the day.

Dressed, breakfasted and out of the house by 8:30 ready for swimming. Wom was swimming at 9:00, Charlotte at 9:30. As daddy had had to go to work, grandma stepped into the breach. I swam with Wom whilst grandma and Charlotte had a wander around outside and then got Charlotte ready to swim. Quick swap over and then Charlotte swam. I was frozen after an hour in the water.

Both of them fell asleep in the car coming home, put charlotte to bed and fed Wom whilst watching bake off.

After an epic sleep from Charlotte, just hoping we don't pay for this tomorrow am, we had lunch and then popped to the shops. Paints came out once home then more playing.

Charlotte had a friend for tea and for the vast majority of the time, played brilliantly together.
Bath (showers)

Wom ready to swim
Charlotte still sleepy after epic sleep with Wom
Wom asleep on me
Charlotte painting her hands

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