A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden


Dear reader, fret not! I am not ill, I just got a little scared yesterday evening. I was in my normal viewing position and heard a dreadful groaning noise, the floor shook, the window shook and this enormous green dragon came up the lane dragging a huge box full of woollies. It was so big and scary and noisy I got scared and hid behind some cardboard in the corner of the room. Not even my lovely Auntie and Uncle could get me to come out. Dear reader, I daresn't come out in case the dragon came back!

I got a bit braver and came out a bit later, Auntie S had left some food for me. I started eating but OMG it came back ...... oh not a green dragon but a smaller blue one. I scarpered back into the corner. This time Auntie S came back with a handful of lovely treats to tempt me to come out. Dear reader I was sorely tempted, they smelt yummy but I was still a bit scared. Auntie S left them and went away.

Oh they smelt soooooo good I couldn't be scared anymore and jumped out and devoured those lovely biccies. I then ran into the kitchen and told Auntie S all about the horrible dragons. I got lots of cuddles and an extra special brush.

I'm no longer scared and have spent today with Uncle R helping him harvest potatoes in the garden. Apparently you're not supposed to jump in the potato sack to harvest them, but wait until Uncle R tips the soil out and then dig out the potatoes. Who knew!!


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