Clark Tales

By cclark

50 Years

50 Years ago today my Dad went with his Dad to watch the bridge open. I bought this picture and gave it to my Dad on fathers day, the last one before his own father died. I gave this to my Dad because I'd heard a brief story about that day. When I gave it to my Dad, my Grandad opened up and recanted the story to the family, as we gathered for a fathers day lunch in Leith. My Grandad died the following summer. It seems on September 4th 1964 my Grandad had decided to drive down to the Forth to see the bridge open but for whatever reason had only taken his oldest son, my Dad; My Dad was age 8, it was a memorable day for him.

This bridge for me, means home. My Dad's job relocated my Mum and he to live in it's shadow. I have lived here for all of my life (minus a few years in Hong Kong) and when I come home I know I'm there from the 'Da duff, da duff, da duff' of the bridge. Long live the Road Bridge. You'll look awesome between the old and the new!

Today was also a day of eggtastic misprints! I know.

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