
By Aliscotia

Lisianthus buds

Last night I went to see a live screening of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" as it was performed in Stratford-upon-Avon by the RSC.
I have never been to anything like that before. It was funny to see the audience arriving in Stratford as Anna and I took our seats in the cinema. I've not seen a lot of Shakespearian plays but this definitely goes to the top of my list. It hasn't been perfomed by the RSC for 45 years and this production was in modern dress. It opened in a tavern in Verona and audience members were invited onto the stage to get ice cream from the ice cream seller!

The 4 main characters were excellent but one of the supporting cast stole the show for Anna and I. Leigh Quinn played Lucetta in her broad Scottish accent and she managed somehow to give it a more modern twist of innuendo and intonation. I just loved her. The other star of the show was the dog Crab who the audience adored....he performed as requested and we barely noticed him being slipped a treat!

It's one of Shakespeare's early plays and contains some of his main themes, a balcony scene, a girl disguising herself as a boy, a chase through a forest. It also contains the song "Who is Sylvia" (which was given a rock and roll twist!) I hadn't ever realised that it had been written by the bard. The other great thing about seeing it in the cinema rather than in the theatre were the different camera angles and close-ups. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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