
By RobinBanneville

Another Rough Day (pt:2)

(Delayed Blip)
(Continued from Tuesday)
I woke up after 20 hours sleep feeling worse than I had beforehand ... :o(
Enough was enough, so I made an appointment to see the doctor later in the day ... Then I went back to bed and slept some more ...
The doctor advised me that I actually had a very bad chest infection and even mentioned the words "bronchial" and "pneumonia" (albeit mild and not confirmed) ... Either way, he gave me a course of anti-biotics, sent me off for a chest X-ray and signed me off work for a week ... :o(
I eventually took this shot in a bit of haste at the end of the day (please bear with me as I still feel like all I want to do is sleep) ... :o|
(See Thursday's Blip for my next grumpy instalment.)

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