My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Joy of Six...or in my case Four Play

Last race of the Sexarathon tonight, a 5k from Harper Adams Agricultural College. I managed a respectable 20:12 considering I'm carrying an injury, and it didn't feel too bad on the way round.

Unfortunately I've not managed to compete in all 6 races this season because of one being on our anniversary and another being the same day as Laura's camera-scope appointment. But I have done four of them and, in a case of you-don't-get-if-you-don't-ask, I managed to get a T-shirt too as illustrated here...along with my sweaty trainers in the boot of the car.

West Bromwich Harriers did brilliantly throughout the Sexarathon with an overall 4th place in the men's competition and placings in a number of the age categories. Brilliantly done!

I'll be back for the full set next season...hopefully!

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