Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Reflecting lifts

I had been experimenting on some blips for today when I took lunch in the lobby area. I like sitting there and the lifts (in the blip) make people watching fun. Anyway I looked up and saw some great reflections and got my phone out and took a quick blip. I was impressed with the result so this has become my blip for today.

If you look closely there is some orange building in the reflections on the lift and that is this building! It is opposite the hotel and shines through onto the lifts.

I have been looking for a good landscape pic for the FB pic of the Week but so far this has eluded me. I want to go down to the harbour but the weather was not quite right today and I was resting so tried to stay out of the outside which remains ridiculously hot and humid. Jet lag after effects woke me again at 4 am and after catching up on Emmerdale I noticed the sun coming up. I took quite a few pics through my window but when downloaded they were less than impressive. So I tried some manipulation and came up with the following effort! Crap or different?. Welcome any views.

Also I took the other Red Memory sculpture for those who took to it yesterday. Here it is!

Finally I also took a blip of a typical renovation in Hong Kong. This is/was a hotel across from mine and it has been totally reduced to a shell. I put the photo through SketchGuru to create the effect but you can see the bamboo construction which apparently is safer here as they bend in the humidity rather than crack as conventional metal ones would do, but they do look insubstantial.

Anyway I went with my lifts.

Rest day today and one more day before the weekend, beginning to get tired but doing ok!

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