Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Despite all the dedicated MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL training as an Apprentice I still make the stupidest of mistakes, yesterday I used my old camera to take MY BLIP and only after I had posted it did I discover that I must have reset it to the factory settings (thinking of putting it on eBay), hence the reason I'm now showing a backdated blip & rather messing up my straight run of photos since I started this lark in March 2011, I know I shouldn't let it upset me but I've been kicking myself all day.
Onwards & upwards as my old teacher would say, this nice lady was enjoying her cigarette & pointing out things I could photograph this evening, I know this lens isn't the best for a portrait but her friendliness was refreshing, nearly blipped THIS VIEW OF THE STATION but perhaps I'm pushing it a bit with the fisheye!

PS, My lady looks better VIEWED LARGE

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