Northern Star

By Lifferz


Things have been very busy and I have not been able to blip. This is a back blip after I arrived back from London today (Wednesday).

This photo was taken in the Blue Fin Building in Southwark, London. The first day of a small series of eating events where past winners from Masterchef cook food for you. I took my Mum to London (her first time since the 1960s I think!) She likes cookery and Masterchef, Mr H is also a fan and also happens to be good friends with Luke pictured here who got through to the finals in this years series. I asked Luke if I could blip him and he said that he had heard about my blips before which was amusing (not sure if he meant that in a good or bad way and I didn't want to ask!) All in all the food was excellent, the service was friendly and interesting, quite a few wine glasses were smashed over the course of the night as staff got used to the layout and the pace of things. Some first night issues meant a very late start so we left the building getting on for midnight. The table I was on was definitely the loud northern table. It was a very different but good experience! I think my mum really enjoyed it.

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