
By Mimthing

Lunch date.

Another trip out with Auntie June, this time we went to the Chatty Couch in Hedon. Very yummy indeed ! We had a quick look around the market then went in to visit my lovely crazy cousin Julie... Another one I need to make more time for ! We grew up seeing each other nearly every week - they had a car so could come to visit us... We had a tractor !

As my blips went out of order for a couple of days... I'll catch up here and remind myself we went to Brid last night to walk the dags on the beach.

In other more local news I popped round to see Uncle Guy tonight, he isn't my real Uncle, it goes back to childhood when he and his wife Diris lived across the road from us down t'uther end. He told me he is looking forward to moving into Wold Haven in Pock, he also told me about his caterpillar that he is hoping will be fitted tomorrow. Fortunately he is well able to laugh at his own cock-ups...
Sorry I'm watching Casino Royale 1967 with ALL the corny lines!

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