The Road Most Travelled, Aylesford
Day 244 of 365. This little road is the one I travel along more than any other. Through heat, cold, rain, sun, frost , fog and darkness I walk along this little road five times a week, forty-eight weeks a year. It's part of my journey every morning on my way to the train station.
The twenty minute meander up to the train station always features the same elements - the zebra crossing, the London coach passing me as I walk up the hill past the supermarket, the right turn into this little road, the checking to see if any more of the bungelows have been abandoned (someone has stripped the roof tiles off one of the more decrepit ones), the passing of the same bloke walking in the opposite direction and then the final left turn into the station and over the bridge to my platform. At that point I think of my little mantra - "let the train be on time, let the train be on time...pleeeasssseeeee". Then it turns up (usually), I get on, sit down and can relax for an hour and then get to repeat it all over again until Friday. Soon I'll be making this journey in the autumnal darkness that seems to envelop you until the days begin to turn again in early Spring.
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