OH NO...

...my camera is kaput. It started going crazy about an hour after this photo...just keeps speeding through all the settings and not stopping, or if it does, as soon as you touch a button, it goes crazy again - argh!!!! But pre camera meltdown, I took this, and Danny took this one of me and Asha...but seeing as yesterday was a Mommy/Asha blip, didn't think I could have another so soon!
We went on a family prayer/nature walk this morning...it was so good, and so much fun! Then swings this afternoon...it's been very much an 'Asha' day, but that's good, sometimes we get so caught up in doing what we 'need' to do here, that we forget we need to really invest in Asha too. Though now she's in bed I MUST do some Spanish grammar ahead of tomorrow morning's class!
Liked this wall, loved all the colours, textures, patterns...
PS, any tips on how to help my crazy camera v welcome!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A brilliant morning with Asha and Danny....Asha spent most of the walk thanking Jesus for sticks - her 'thing' at the moment!
2) Wonderful family who are already thinking of ways to get me another camera should this one be on it's way out.
3) Danny sorting tea tonight, and really bothering with presentation because he knows it's important to me!!

And a 4th would be Asha randomly announcing, 'I'm not drunk!'!! We're relieved to hear it girl.

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