First Day

The Little Misses went back to school today. Miss E's first day in Year 2 and Miss L's first day in Reception. Big school!
It doesn't seem five minutes since Miss E's first day a couple of years ago.
They look so young!!
In their ludicrously loud whispers I heard them just before 7am this morning planning a surprise for Mummy. By the time I had got out of the shower and dried my hair they were dressed, had had breakfast, had cleaned their teeth and had beautifully brushed hair. At 7.50am Miss E said she was ready to go. In case there was traffic!
Nana popped over just before we left which was a lovely surprise.
It was a bit chaotic dropping them off. Miss E has to go upstairs to her classroom by herself but when we got out of the car she spotted her friend Miss F and charged off after her to go up together. Miss F's brother, Mr A, is in Miss L's class so she wanted to go with them too. So they were all disappearing off over the car park, I wanted a photo of them together and I had all their bags and coats. There was a bit of undignified shouting and huffing and puffing on my part but we got there eventually. With no photo!
I'm so pleased they both went in so happily. I had a momentary pang watching Miss L dash straight off to a table and start colouring with her friends but much better that than having her sad and clinging.
Both my babies are at school - I can't believe it!
Mr K and I made the most of our free day together and headed straight to John Lewis for a scrummy breakfast then wandered round Milton Keynes for a few hours shopping - and holding hands and actually talking to each other for what felt like the first time in ages. It was wonderful!
I bought new jeans which were TWO dress sizes less than I was this time last year. I walked all day without getting the hip and back pain I would have got this time last year.
What a difference losing weight has made!
Lunch in Pret was tasty and we bought our niece a present for her thirteenth birthday tomorrow.
Both the Little Misses had good days which is fantastic.
What a great day!!

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