An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Doing some inducing...


Hit the ground running this morning.

David off to work and me off to Perth to meet with Alan's three new support workers, who are having a week of induction to their new job all this week.

My part of the induction is to try and help them understand that whilst they will be coming into our lives as "employees", their workplace is our home and they are stepping into our lives so want to reassure them that it will be relaxed and informal and not like working for a so called "care" organisation (two of them have experience of that and are not keen to repeat it.)

Had a really good session with them. Really looking forward to them starting as they are all different and I think will bring different things to the role. I'm aware though that I will have a period of re-adjustment to go through as well, getting used to having other people in my home.

Interesting times ahead.

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