
By katickles


Feel like I have been neglecting you blippers :( Apologies - very busy and very tired. Hopefully will zip through most of you today. Have zapped up a few back-blips today - feel free to have a rake through.

I'd been back to Lochindorb last week and only seen one grousie :/ Back again this week (temporary pupil in Forres which means it's only a 15 mile diversion home...) and pleased to see many more, but understandingly hiding extremely well! Good on ya, kids :)

Noticed a couple of these little toots hanging out together. Thought the colour was stonechat-ty, but didn't immediately recognise the markings. Consensus does seem to be that it is a young 'un coming into female plumage. Really happy with this shot on the Sigma - it's quite a bit sharper if you dial it in a bit. Best shots also all seem to have been taken sitting down.

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