
By kevinG

Croatia starts with a 'C'

Woke up and washed my face.

Ate Cheerios for breakfast.

Dad drove me to school and I dropped off my book at Old Mill along the way.

First day! New homeroom room but same homeroom teacher, Mr. Dornicik. He doesn't talk much so I don't really know him.

First period I had Study Hall with Ms. (Mrs.?) Marten. The next period I still had Marten, but for Biology. She seems strict so I'll have to behave well. I want to sit at the front of every classroom so I pay more attention and get on the teachers' good sides. I did this in all other classes but she assigned seats so I'll have to ask her if I can move up tomorrow.

Third period English with Mr. Dubin. He seems like an amazing teacher. I answered almost all of his questions because I love English and I always raised my hand first. In class, he asked what it was called when a something seemingly irrelevant or expositional becomes important later (my wording). I raised my hand and said Chekhov's Gun (look it up). He was shocked that I knew what that was, even though it wasn't the answer he was thinking of. He has a point system that he uses to keep track of when students say or write AP level things so at the end of the year it makes his recommendation job easier. He gave me a point!

Next class was Advertising with Mr. Hunter. He is really cool and one if the funniest people I've ever met. He should be a stand-up comedian, no exaggeration. All new Mac computers.

Drama with Ms. Romano fifth period. Mostly freshman class. I don't mind freshman but I don't think any of them will be as outgoing as upper classmen so I'm a little bummed.

Math with Mr. Barodin. He said the class would be hard. He seemed pleasant but he didn't talk for long so I couldn't extrapolate much about his personality/teaching methods.

By the way, I was really sick this whole day. I carried around tissues the whole day and blew my nose constantly. I also drank a ton of water because that's a compulsion of mine. I guess staying hydrated is a pretty good tick, though.

Went to Photo 1 with Mrs. (I'm pretty sure) Beary. She is such a kind person.

Eighth period History. Mr. Tallarine seems like a really tough teacher. He's giving us a map quiz on Monday on the countries in Europe.

Choral Ensemble last period with Mrs. Alessi. So happy to be back!

Mom picked me up over the footbridge.

Mom made me a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. Started coughing with means I have whatever Lauren has.

Went in my room and started reading the short story for English. I fell asleep and took a long nap.

Woke up and ate leftover tacos for dinner.

Didn't go to Crossfit because I'm sick.

Read the short story.

Read about the short story.

Studied for the map quiz (hence the title and picture).

Going to bed now.


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