
By bevhumphrey

The floating reed islands of Lake Titicaca

Staying on the edge of the lake for a couple of days. Took one of the little reed boats out to visit two of the floating reed islands ( everything is made of reed!)
The native people who live on these islands are amazingly tough and friendly. The second island I visited had their elementary school on it and it was play time and it was just delightful watching the children.
The islands are man made ( originally the natives tribes fled to the lake away from the Incas, then the Spanish) The first island I visited had 25 people living on it...all one extended family. It feels really weird walking on them...very spongy!
The people are still largely self sufficient, but can now get across to Puno by motorboat if necessary...and some of the families have batteries for the most basic of electric bulbs! I cant imagine how cold it must get living in their reed huts on this lake....the largest and deepest navigable lake at this altitude in the world.
The President of the island ( each one has its own!) took a shine to my red hair and took me into his hut, put his hat on me and then made me sit on his bed with him. I have a feeling I may have become his 6th wife or something!!!

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