Swimmers' Log Book


New uniforms, babysitting and early b'day pressie!

Felt compelled to photograph C and J this morning as both have new uniforms - C because she's moving into Year 11 and therefore gets to swap blazer for cardigan; and J because of the new school branding necessitating a new blazer, and because he's grown,
necessitating new trousers!

H and I dropped them off and then popped over to Grandma's to help out with the babysitting as G'ma's gone and slipped a disc. We took little Cici on the bus to Croydon and at the charity shop by the bus stop saw this Fisher Price Cash Register! I've been on about wanting one again for years (reliving childhood memories) so immediately ran in to buy it. It was rather dusty but nothing that a baby wipe and a dap of chrome cleaner (for the bell) couldn't fix. Complete with six coins too! Soooo happy with my early birthday present!!!

Then steel pan practice and a short swim with Chloe (before the 'aqua-fit' gang took over the pool), Holby, then bed. All in all a pretty good day!

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