Alight Adventure

By DanJames28

Upon Striding Edge!

Left this photo at an angle to emphasise the drama of the location. Amy and I walked up a long and steep track to 'hole in the wall' before arriving here. It's certainly an exciting location.

Amy and I travelled right along the crest of the ridge, almost to it's intersection with the summit wall. But then the clouds rolled in, and suddenly what was a once calm afternoon walk became a wholly different experience. Powerful winds battered us from our right, being forced up from the Red Tarn by the steep cliffs below us. Additionally rain and hail slammed into us, at near horizontal angles. Amy and I quickly rushed to find shelter on the downwind side of the ridge.

We then sheltered here for ten minutes, before peeking over the edge at the oncoming weather. Dark clouds stretched beyond, threatening wind, rain and even worse, possible hillfog. Watching dozens of fellow walkers simultaneously turning back, Amy and I knew we had a difficult decision to make: Push for the summit, certainly getting drenched and possibly risk becoming lost or cold; or turn around and save the summit push for another day.

In the end we turned around and headed back, certainly the right choice.

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