Under the Wire

Having just eaten a very tasty snack for her afternoon tea she wandered onto the wire. It rather looks like I'm making her walk the plank but no, she was just saying ,'Hi!' with that toothy/goofy grin of hers.

I also see a rather cheerful expression as she looked down on me under the wire with all my paraphernalia. Curious about the dogs she kept scooting off for a quick shuftie to see what they were up to while they were la ... laing around in the sunshine, oblivious.

This was taken on the track in Kemerton Nature Reserve. Difficult getting a shot without gates, fencing, double fencing, wire, signage... loads of signage!! There seems to be more of it every time I visit. I think there is supposed to be a lake there?!!!!! It's easy to see how they have spent the Lottery money which funded it. Perhaps I should do a collage of signs....or gates...fences even!

Maybe MY title should be 'Barbed Wire' :))

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