
By Pepperpost


My Darling wee jack russell puppy Spud was taken off by his mother last night to investigate the bunnies. I was furious with her and with everyone for letting her out with him. NO sign of him last night I did not sleep a wink kept getting up to check. this morning met a fisherman who had a crystal (I think he was trying to cheat at fishing) He said he would douse for Spud. So partly to indulge him I agreed and he directed me to a huge clump of Rhododendrons that are totally impregnable unless you happen to be small and have four legs. Armed with loppers and my daughter in we went, found a rabbit hole, actually several, and in one we saw the back leg of a terrier, the rest of him was completely buried in sand in the collapsed hole. We dug him out yelling, he came out in my hands wriggling and squeaking, we all burst into tears of joy, I think Spud did too so here is a photo of his lovely eye.

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