Two for One

...or maybe the title should be Two for Three?

Two for One refers to the benefits of a walk I took on the Taylor Dock "overwater boardwalk" in Fairhaven this morning, getting both exercise and today's blip. I started outside Village Books, and walked as far as Boulevard Park, probably 1.5 miles total, enjoying the breeze and watching the other walkers, as well as a few bikers, from age 3 to older than I am.

The sky was overcast and dull almost the entire time, so I used the "dramatic tone" option on my camera and converted this image to mono once I was home.

Ironically, just as I got back to my car, the sun came out and the light was wonderful! I didn't fancy repeating my walk, although it was tempting, as the Bellingham Bay looked particularly lovely in the sunshine.

Blip 1026

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