Come Back Here And Feed Me!

Today was catch-up-on-pictures-day which meant I spent the entire afternoon sorting and filing the nearly 2,000 pictures on my camera card. After Snuffy died in May I managed to take a blip every day but kind of lost momentum for anything else. I ended up with an accumulated mess on the card. I always cleaned off my card each evening but I got sloppy and didn't keep up with it. I take so many pictures that it didn't take long for it to get ahead of me. Now they're all neatly filed in the right spots, the camera card is clean for another day and I'm feeling pretty smug.

After a day of going through pictures I'm pretty sure I can state with some certainty that I've photographed nearly every gull and squirrel in this part of Washington State. The thought crossed my mind that when I'm dead and gone my poor son is going to be the one to deal with my computer and everything on it and I can only imagine his reaction to my pictures file. Since I hope to have more years to add to the file it's only going to get worse. I think I better leave him letter of apology and a case of wine for the occasion.

Of course, I had to add one more gull picture to the collection.

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