On thin ice

Baggins is skating on thin ice right now. He has been stressed for some time, in fact we even went to the vet about it. Since then, he has continued to be very demanding in many ways. He has had to cope with a lot of upheaval since Ophelia was born as he is banned from our room (where he used to sleep in the daytimes) whilst the cot is in there and he doesn't want to go outside anymore ever since he was attacked by another animal a few months ago.

He has taken to sleeping under Grace's bed all day and the other day she had a scratch on her nose that she said Baggins had done. We can only presume she had tried to drag him out from under the bed during the daytime, like we do at night when she goes to bed. He has never, ever lashed out in anger and is extremely tolerant of kids. He's the most gentle of animals.

He also has stopped using the litter tray in the porch a lot of the time - I think you get my meaning...!

We're giving him a few more months until he has more freedom of space and hopefully overcomes his fear of going out (the good weather and lighter nights might also lure him out). If he doesn't get any happier, then we may seriously have to think about rehoming him. It would break our hearts, but it's not fair to make him unhappy. Let's hope it never comes to that, as in most respects he is the most perfect cat, and we love him very much.

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