Amusing - From the family archives
Following on yesterday's blip, this photograph was taken at the same time, circa 1898 in Ladysmith prior to the siege.
The young foal was obviously to young to be ridden, so great-grandfather Joseph may have thought it might be easier if he gave the youngster a ride instead. Alternately the photographer may have prompted the pose as seen.
Hence this picture of the foal loaded into a wooden wheelbarrow.
The original photographer of this and yesterday's picture was one Henry Kisch.
An internet search reveals that Kisch had 2 books published in 1900 by G. Newnes, London:-
The Siege of Ladysmith : described in 64 pictures from the only complete set of photographs taken during the siege by a resident photographer(Henry Kisch). : the first photographs brought to England after the relief of the town, with descriptions by an eye-witness(H. St. J. Tugman).
The Siege Of Ladysmith in 120 pictures, from photographs by H. Kisch.
It would be interesting to know if the two photographs in our family archives were in fact included in either of these publications
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