Postcard to Mr Barking ~ Day #3

Dear Mr Barking

Happy first day of spring! It's been a cool and wet start to my favourite season. I had to search high and low for a daffodil to blip. I try to blip one each 1 September. The blossom was too beautiful to resist too. Your sunrise just tops them both off!

I had a good day at work, overall. Feral class were still feral, but I know I'll get there with them in time. I'm working in the Library too now, which is pretty good.

Home to walk Cousteau (his third walk and my second). We got a bit lost in the rain and the impending dusk, but found our way back and soon dried out.

Just had dinner with the inlaws and am now going to have a quick knitting lesson with Ma-in-law.

It sounds as if you've had a good day; catching a few fish and enjoying a few beers in the sunshine. I'm glad the wind is keeping the bitey bugs at bay for you.

Goodnight, my darling.

I love you.

~Mrs Barking~

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