
By OldTimer

Camelia Pride

I always feel skitey proud of this Camellia when my husband died and left me with a quarter acre section that he always had picture perfect I did two things. One I planted the seed of this camellia, it was in a hard nut that dropped and opened up. the 2nd I took a whole lot of fuchsia cuttings. The Fuschias thrived and I gave them away and the camellia took eight years before it flowered. I thought I was ever so smart and still do every year when it flowers.
At the moment the garden is a weedy mess but in time I will get it tidied up again.
Grey day today which doesn't do a lot for a person. Horrible shooting in Ashburton this morning. Several families lives will be shattered because of it. What a sad state our world is in and we all have so much to be thankful for and yet these poor people how will they rise above it.

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