wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Sunday on Casco bay

Well the rain is starting. We timed the trip on the bay well today. I am thoroughly exhausted. It was so much fun and beautiful.
First of all I have more freckles than skin....seriously.
Sunday night is always a tough one. I am always afraid that I will oversleep for work. Yes I have to work on Labor day. Someone has to save lives people.

A car just went by our house with the bass BOOMING. This is a stumper to me. Why on earth do people do that? If I can feel the beat in my sternum laying in bed on the second floor, then in the car it must be deafening.

On top of that, it is raining and there is thunder. I figure that someone will be deaf by the end of the week.

It's an early night for me. Ethel has requested the iPad to watch a video of birds. She doesn't ask for much. I can do that. Yes, Ethel is a cat.

So as always good night to the north and good morning to down under!

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