The All Saint's Road triple house party

A quick back blip of the wonderful extended house party that happens annually in All Saint's Road when three adjoining households open up their back gardens. We know Camilla who i have mentioned and blipped many times and she lives with Sridhar in the middle of these three houses.

They have only just got back from India and then France in time to open their doors. Starting at about 3pm, each house prepared and served separate types of food at different times, so I was able to have three delicious courses in between drinks. These parties are now a tradition and attract a lot of interesting Stroud residents s well as friends from far and wide. I was able to catch up with many old friends as well as meet new people in a very convivial way. These back gardens all have steep sloping gardens all maintained in different ways and I proceeded to go into each of them over many hours.

I decided to take a few quick pictures before the light went, and I must admit that it might have been better to do so earlier before the wine flowed.

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