Dyffryn Gardens
“There is
a time to live
and a time to die
but never to reject the moment.”
― Lao Tzu
Coming up for air after ten days hunched over the computer on a QS'ing project. Weather ideal so took Dad down to Dyffryn Gardens as a belated birthday treat [he was 93 at the end of July]. Within half an hour of entering the gardens I'd lost him. The formal gardens are set out as a series of "rooms", some surrounded by yew hedges, others by walls and trellis. "...just make your way towards the house and I'll catch you up", as I stopped for a while. Following the trail towards the house there was no sign of him. Thought he may have taken a wrong turn and inadvertently doubled back. Thorough search of ALL the gardens and still no sign of him. Decided to see if he'd wandered off back to the car park; as I approached the house he appears from around the back. Apparently he's been off on a buggy ride around the grounds of the house looking for me???? Time for lunch in the tea rooms before a tour of the main house, which I've never seen before. No sooner do we enter than the staff chime in with "oh, you found him then". Sounds like he's been telling all the staff he's lost his son and enlisted their help in looking for me [59 year old sons can be a worry sometimes when they wander off unsupervised]. God, how embarrassing. Good for a laugh though and the staff were really good to him, made his day I think.
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