Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

FLYlady sink!

Have I mentioned Flylady? Everyone ought to know Flylady.

She is helping me develop routines. To make my life easier. And she is endlessly encouraging! And she's free.

I try to shine my sink everyday.
I run a load of laundry every night and put it in the dryer in the morning.
I run a load of dishes every night and put it away in the morning.
I use my timer to do icky jobs 15 minutes at a time and they get done quicker.
I get the kid's clothes out at night and look at my calendar before I go to bed. And again in the morning.
I make my bed in the morning.
And I always put my lace up shoe on first thing.

I still have many routines to work on. But she says just jump in where you are, you are not behind. This may seem like obvious, ordinary stuff to most "born-organized" people, but it's a challenge to me.

Keeping a household in some semblance of order, raising three active kids, taking care of a husband who works long hard hours, and keeping my sanity is a constant struggle. The ADHD adds a bit of confusion - but truthfully I think it helps because I can multitask and change focus easily - except when you need to concentrate and finish something! Working the Flylady system into my life has certainly made it easier!

I could write a volume on this. The hardest lesson she teaches it to Finally Love Yourself. Take time out for yourself. Moms get so busy taking care of everyone else that they lose themselves in the process.

And blipping every day is my time! Just for me!

And my shiny sink! (I'll get off my soap box now)

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