Those magnificent

Men in their flying machines ....
and a horse in my window. ...
At the Gliding Club.

Got up to the Club later than planned and just as the weather was closing in so the gliders were returning to base. A couple of hang gliders on the opposite ridge were still enjoying the windy conditions though.

As I drove into the Gliding Club having carefully opened and shut the safety barrier I saw two of the wild ponies grazing on the flying field, having got through a hole in the fence somewhere. Aha, a nice blip here I thought, so drove very quietly up to them with window open and camera ready. Got a few nice shots and then one of the ponies came right up to the car and put his head through the window and attempted to take a hold of my coat with my shoulder inside - "ouch" I said and quickly rolled the widow up. Never mind I'll put the camera onto 'through glass' mode. It was then I heard a sickening crunch of horse teeth on metal as pony was about to eat his way into the car.... At this point I thought : enough of getting the perfect blip, I'm off, revved the engine and made my getaway.

So much for trying to get friendly with wild horses!! The Gliding Club had more of a feel of driving through a Wildlife Safari Park.

Post Script. Minimal damage to car and the Long Mynd is looking at her best cloaked in acres of purple heather.

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