Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

"Stop shoving!"

Probably not the most interesting shot of the day, but I like it and watching the two bumble bees shoving each other made me laugh. That meets my criteria for a "little moment." Probably the most interesting shot of the day is this one of a spider shedding its skin which I thought was extremely cool to see. Not for the arachnaphobes. Five other shots, including a hummer, starting here with a Green Stinkbug Nymph

Hubs and I have been busy sorting and packing today. We'll reward ourselves at the end of the day with some wine and some cedar-planked sockeye salmon. Based on how hard we are both working, I'm guessing it will be an early bedtime tonight. This will be his last trip up here until the weekend we move, so there is much to be done.

Thank you very much for all the lovely comments, stars and faves on yesterday's hummer! You sent her zooming to the Spotlight page where she felt a bit humbled by the company.

Continue having a wonderful weekend!

Over and out...


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