Cartoon Handbag

I saw these bags on a random website a few weeks ago and immediately said 'wow'!

I thought they were so quirky and I've never seen anything like them before....I just had to have one.

The only problem was that when I enthusiastically showed it to Mr A, he thought it would be a great present for his niece's 16th birthday (which was in July!!!!!).

I said if he bought one, then that meant I couldn't have one, as I don't want to be a clone even though I saw it first!; the uniqueness wouldn't be the same if we both had one.

He bought it anyway, saying I'm too old sophisticated for a bag like this :-(

It arrived today; yeah it's cute, but in fairness, wouldn't have been big enough for the kitchen sink all my usual handbag contents. It looks big, but internally it's just about big enough for a small laptop or iPad.

K starts college next week, so hopefully she will be able to put this bag to good use (when she finally gets it!)

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