By AmandaHallPhoto

Everything you see is not what it seems

We went to the colourful East End of London. There's this corner shop that has everything made out of felt. So look a little closer and you will see the digestive biscuits here are not your usual ones.

The whole shop is decked out in felt merchandise and it's all made by an artist who held her exhibition in this shop. It finishes tomorrow.

Check out some of the other pictures https://flickr.com/photos/94613667@N07/sets/72157647023390172

After our visit we went to the Museum of Childhood and had a mooch round there. Some very nostalgic toys for me like my first Sindy doll. Lucie loved all the dolls houses there and an exhibition will be held later in the year with more grand ones. Also enjoyed the Jacqueline Wilson exhibition.

Hope you all having a good weekend. Next weekend will be exciting for us as I'm off to New York!!!

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