Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

One photo

I only took one photo today. Which makes choosing easier. But I'm using it twice. This is the original and I'll post a faffed version on my other account.

Today was the Mini's MOT day. So put the bike on the roof rack and cycled to work after leaving the car at the Mini garage.

I was a bit disappointed that they didn't ring me as promised and didn't call back very quickly when I rang them. And I had to hang around whilst they finished the brake fluid change that they were doing at the same time. But the brake fluid was covered by the service package and they charged me nothing for the MOT because they has kept me waiting!
And they had washed the car! Good customer service!

When I got home, the new 'Smart' TV had arrived and Max had set it up. We hung it on the wall together. He is kindly taking the old one off our hands when he moves into his shared flat in London on Sunday. In fact, he was the one who pointed out the benefits of having a Smart TV. So thoughtful of him. Of course, the Smart TV moves me down one place in the list of smart things in the house.

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