
By mar

Be in Control

~Slogan on British Model Theater and Puppet Guild's shirts

Lots of puppetstuff happening and as these arrived in the post, thought I'd blip about them.

On the left is the Little Angel Theater's brochure for the Spring, in which the The Guild (meaning Michael) will be doing a Talk/Performance: History of Lanchester Marionettes in April.

On the Right is the newsletter for the Guild that Michael (and I) have recently taken over as temporary editor. We produced a 17-page newsletter that included drawings we had our friend Smiggy in the States create specially for this edition. We hope to find someone to take over the reigns of editor soon, but it was fun to do (for just the once).

Meanwhile, this Sunday the Antique Roadshow will be showing the Lanchester Marionettes and Michael (and we're hoping Charlotte).

Then at the end of the month, we'll be co-hosting the Guild's Puppet Soup Day - a day for people to come together, perform, chat and have some delicious lunch (made by someone else, I only organized the hall - not the food!). But afterwards, everyone will be able to come and see the National Puppetry Archives - which is also pretty exciting.

I think somewhere along the line, we lost control and the puppets have taken over.

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