
By Mindseye

Little Tweetheart

I spent most of today at my sister and brother in laws business premises, helping them set up some new templates and spreadsheets on their computer system to improve the efficiency of the office administration. It's been a while since I did anything like this; it was a little taxing at first, but once I got stuck in it all came flooding back! I got back home in time for my hair appointment......I'd said I wanted to go a little darker. So whilst I was sitting there, plastic bag on my head I spotted this little bird sat up in the top of our Thuja in the garden. So like the idiot I am, promptly trotted outside camera in hand, bag on head! I don't think anyone saw! I think the little bird is a type of thrush.....but not sure what kind, probably quite young. Whatever it is I think he's very cute with his speckled chest! Oh yes, I said a little darker........well it's definitely darker, might take a little getting used to! Not sure my hub likes it :-$

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