An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Thank Crunchie...

What is it with men and their reluctance to go the Docs?

David's been complaining of a sore head for the past couple of days. Says he feels pressure right on the the top of his head and heat, as though he has heatstroke. Then he said he could hear his heartbeat in his left ear. I was convinced it was his blood pressure. Told him to see the doc. He mumbled an incoherent response and went on his way.

This morning when I woke up he was still asleep but had his left hand on top of his head so I knew he'd had the headache again at some point in the night. When he woke up I again suggested a visit to the Doc and again got a muted response but I wasn't taking no for an answer. When he saw me tight-lipped, arms crossed and evil eyeing him with my cold stare, he realised I meant business and rang the surgery and got a GP appointment for 8.40am.

Well apparently the jammy swine has the blood pressure of an 18 year old so that's not the problem. He's had ears looked at, hearing tested, eyes looked at and declared a medical mystery. Headache is gone now and he feels fine.

Hmmmm.....having had a chance to think about it I am now wondering if it has something to do with his caffeine intake at work. Cut him and be bleeds coffee! Another lecture coming up ;-))

Other than that, Alan's been wheelchair ice skating today and loved it. Next time he'll go on his manual wheelchair rather than the power one as I think poor Anna had a bit of bother pushing him on the ice as the chair is so heavy. Oops!

Friday again peeps. Have a great weekend :) xx

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