Margaret Olley's Lounge Room.......&

Spot the rabbit.

Another trip up the coast to the Art Gallery......wherein they have recreated the bottom part of the house of Margaret Olley....a crazy old girl who brought a lot of happiness and color into peoples lives (including her own) with her beautiful still life paintings.
She passed a few years ago and what you see in this image is exactly how her house was left.........including a saucer of cigarette butts.
Even in the kitchen there were squeezed tubes of paint...and all types of eclectic nik naks. The whole place was full of flowers ...fruit and beautiful colored things. Everywhere one looked was a vignette of interest which would make a fabulous painting....I am wondering if you can spot the rabbit I added to the mix..just for fun.

It made me think how wonderful and that that type of eccentricity must be so freeing and wonderful and in some way I would love to aspire to it...unfortunately as I get older I often feel happier throwing things away (much more of a challenge) and making space rather than collecting like I used to..I still love beautiful things though....well I am a dragon after all.

I made a pano of 8 pics to be able to view a whole room...from one just wasn't enough.

I am off out to the Art Exhibition tonight...I had better get my skates on.

“All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.”
― Federico Fellini

Stitched Panorama

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