
By sas05

all in the mind

been a wee while since i graced these pages.. have got a fair few pix to put on here but as yet just havnt got round to it as of yet .
So ,, i survived the ice bucket challenge ...when i say survive i mean i havnt done it nor will political stands here or major rebellions , fair play to anyone that has done it AND donated. My girls were nominated and were really up for it till i said ,, whats it in aid of .. why do you want to tip a cold bucket of water on your head for... the answer was ,, cos kieran done it.. arhh.. think you could be missing the point.. explained to them what it was about and then they went a bit indifferent about it all.. another fad goes to the wall. I have felt the need to follow sheep like and do this "challenge" i have to confess. But perspective got the better of me.. the debate i have with myself ..well i won that .. Why.. charity.. whats it about .. a fellow concept 2 rower named Paul B completed a real challenge.. breaking 9 irish indoor rower records in one day.. thats a 124 km of rowing he done at record pace. all for the samaritans.. that meant something for Paul and fair play for him for putting effort into his beliefs. therein lies my point, i believe it has to mean something to you, if it touches your life, your beliefs . or is it enough to be fickle enough just to chuck a few quid in the pot ,, tip a bucket of water on your head and call it a done deal..and massage the conscience , display to the world what a good citizen you are. Or is a positive something better than a negative everything? fickle or not. i dunno.. wouldnt judge or presume to better than anyone on this subject...up to the go against the flow just because.. yes i give what i can to who i can when i can,, but on my terms not just "because" .

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