
By kevinG

Jigsaw Dust

Woke up and Dad made me eggs and sausage for breakfast.

Dad drove me to Crossfit. It worked out well with the timing because of the cleaning people. When I arrived at Crossfit, I realized I hadn't signed up for the class so I rushed online to do it and the class wasn't listed. Adam said it was canceled.

Called Dad and he turned around and picked me up. If I'd called him a minute later he would've been way farther away so that was good. He dropped me at Old Mill.

Watched Dexter on the couch then moved to my room. A big black cricket jumped on my shoulder while I was sitting on my bed. I jumped up quickly and violently shrugged it off as I ran out my room. When Mom and I went back in it was gone so I stayed in the living room.

Mom couldn't drive me to Crossfit so I had to bike. Aunt Franny took my bike lock so I had to go without it. Biked there and left my bike outside.

3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps
For weight (I got to 75 pounds)
“2K Row”
Row 2000m
For time (I forgot my time but it was pretty good because I finished quickly after people who'd started a whole minute before me)

I signed up for the Crossfit competition at the Bellmore Street Fair.

Biked home and went down two wrong streets in the opposite direction before turning around and making it home. My legs were already aching from the rowing so that didn't help.

Watched Dexter and finished a season. I now decided that, to get myself reading more, for every season of a show I finish, I have to read one book.

Ate a roast beef sandwich for lunch.

Didn't want to go into my room because of the cricket so I went in Mom's room and read my book. Took a long nap in her bed.

Mom made sausage and onions for dinner (pictured). We didn't have any peppers. She also grilled up some chicken but I didn't like what she put on it so I didn't eat it.

Lauren picked up a pint of Chocolate Häagen-Dazs for dessert for me. I read my book and ate at the same time. Finished the pint.

Millie triedto run out the garage door when Mom opened it. Mom had left both laundry room doors open by accident.

Took Millie out and noticed Mom left the barbecue on. Turned it off.

Started solving a jigsaw puzzle. When I dumped the pieces out, some of them came stuck together, so I pulled them apart so it would be more of a challenge. Also, there's a little bit of dust that comes out with it (hence the name). It reminded me of cereal dust. When solving, I separated by color and edge pieces but then just decided to separate edge pieces first so I didn't mess up as much. I still messed up a lot but caught myself a lot, too. I don't know if I should feel good or bad about that.

Mom called me and told me to order food for her, her friend Laura, and myself from Thom Thom. I called twice but they didn't pick up so Mom told me to call Mt. Fuji. I ordered a filet mignon hibachi for myself and two kani salads and gyoza for them. Well actually the gyoza was for myself but I didn't want it when it came and they ate it.

Catherine got home from her first day at Baruch College. She said when she got there her first class was canceled so she was stuck in the city until her next class in 7 hours. And she forgot to bring her headphones so she had to read.

Laura and Mom arrived with the food and I ate my second dinner.

Watched the season premiere Tosh.o.

Watched Drunk History in my bed on my phone. When I got up to go to the bathroom, the cricket was blocking my door. I threw two books at it and injured it. I left my room, went to the bathroom, then came back in and threw three more books at it. Mom came in and was happy I killed it. The books are still lying on the ground.

Going to bed now.


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