
Eigg again today but we were off at 9:30. We went into the pier then got a mini bus round to the Bay of Laig and walked right along. We paddled barefoot in the rock pools to take the photos we wanted. It was a beautiful day. The sun even came out! We got there at 11am and got picked up at 3:45 It was lovely…I could have stayed longer….I didn't get the sand photos I wanted!!!
Colin said we'd go back to the tearoom for a coffee and carrot cake - raving about the carrot cake - but it was shut!!!! So we all sat out in the boat and had tea there and my left over cakes!
It was a lovely ride back. Sun the whole way. :)

The person running into my frame is Colin…he had just spotted an otter! :) So we watched it bob along the shore looking for food. It found a crab!

Andy joined us for our dram before dinner. We all sat in the lounge and enjoyed a good relaxed chat and showed each other pictures of our dogs!

Dinner: peanut hummus with read and yellow tomatoes; lamb with mashed tatties, cabbage and roast peppers; homemade rhubarb ice-cream with a little pansy for each of us; cheese; coffee. Mmmmmm!

Sat out on 'my rock' for a bit this evening (after 10:00) but didn't have many layers on so only sat about 20mins. Most had gone to bed but Brian and Doris were still up. It was so relaxed and comfortable. I sat at the table and enjoyed the quiet restfulness looking at Colin's books.
Bed at 11:25
I can see the stars out of my window tonight. :0)

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